Wednesday 2 November 2016

The Big Burger Challenge!

The Big Burger Challenge! 

We sat down as a group and everyone had to come up with a burger that they had witnessed from all of their burger eating experiences, one that they did not feel like eating and we put them in a pile and one by one everyone got assigned a burger that they had to go out and try: and film the reaction.

Joanna had to eat a tower burger, a burger with lots and lots of layers

Judy had to eat a burger with bitter melon added to it

Luke had to eat a super chilli burger

Annabelle had to eat a vegan burger with a gluten free bun.

All in all, no-one really enjoyed their burgers as you can tell by the video and I think we'll stick with what we know and love  :)

The task was undertaken by all of us, we all brainstormed some different ideas for the video and filmed the first part together, taking turns of holding the camera and then our individual videos separately. Luke then volunteered to physically edit the video with production and editing ideas/technical help from Joanna, Judy and Annabelle where necessary.

All of these factors together created the 'Big Burger Challenge'